Short Term Love Getting a financial windfall is the dream of nearly everybody. At least, superficially. One massive lump sum that would do two very, very wonderful things. One, to pay off all your bills and never worry about financial things again. Two, to do the things you really want. […]
Calibrate Your Carrot
Hollow Victory I was watching an interview with an actor a few days ago. A guy I never heard about before, but recently made it big. He’d been in a bunch of movies and TV shows before, but I hadn’t seen any of them. He was talking about a near emotional […]
Ancient Leadership Scams
Ruthless Once I took a speech class. The one I wanted, public speaking, was full. These are usually pretty fun. The one I got was “group dynamics.” Less fun. Probably because of the teacher. I think a more decent professor would teach a better class. But this […]
Get A Million Dollars
Buy Low Sell High One of my favorite jokes is from a long, long time ago. Like way back in Junior High School. When I had an old school, record player. And one record I listened to over and over was a Steve Martin record. One which was said favorite […]
Heavenly Burrito
Burrito Explosion Suppose you had big plans. Big plans for the evening. You’d been slogging away at work all week. And you’re favorite TV show was premiering a new season on Friday night. And you’d been on a diet recently, and were satisfied with the results. And this diet […]
Shiny Objects
Small Points Evolution is kind of like credit card debt. Or the flip side, slowly built wealth. Meaning only a small percent interest can make all the difference. Einstein allegedly said that compounded interest was the eighth wonder of the world. The second richest fictional person is the leader of […]
Why The Road Is Better Than The Inn
TV Party If you are really hungry, and you decide to eat a sack of fast food, along with your favorite alcoholic beverage, it would be a good time. Particularly if you were watching the latest installment of your favorite movie or TV show. Even better if you were surrounded by a […]
Moon Shot
Beat The Russians One of the best examples of setting and achieving a goal was the US moon program back during the 60s. This has everything that all of the goal books have as to what you need to create a goal, but there’s one more thing that was included in the US moon program […]
The Human Unique Selling Proposition What is our best feature, as humans? Many people like to talk about this, since we are pretty different from all the other animals. Some don’t even like to accept that we are animals, imagining that we are some special beings above the rest. Chimp DNA But there seems […]
Myth Of Self
Who Are You? How would you answer that question? Most of us answer it by saying what we do, or what we have. By our jobs, by our accomplishments, by our families, by our connections. All of these are things outside of us. If I call myself a writer, it’s really a description of what […]