Gorgeous Girl From Nowhere The other day I was sitting at home minding my own business when the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen came by my house. The knock came at the door, I opened the door and there before me was his very young very gorgeous very bubbly very friendly very outgoing very […]
Self Replicating Hypnosis
Looking For Treasure I’ve had this friend ever since I was a kid. Ever since we were kids this friend had always had this fantasy that one day he was going to discover hidden treasure. And this hidden treasure would make him famous. This is a perfectly normal fantasy to have as a kid. […]
Self Destructive Death Cult
Nested Dreams A couple of weeks ago I had one of those dreams that you’re having a dream and then you wake up and you think you’re finished having a dream but you’re still having the dream and then you wake up again and you realize you’ve been trapped in several nested dreams. Inside […]
Lonely Lost Children
Outlet Mall Trip The other day I decided to go down to the new outlet mall that opened in my city. It was about an hour and a half drive. I didn’t feel like driving so I took the bus. I don’t normally take the bus but I like to take the bus sometimes when […]
Cement Mixer Fantasies
Need To Fix Something Recently I started getting into some home development, home-improvement. It all started with the task I had needed to get done or do myself for a while. I was right on the border of whether or not to learn how to do this or to hire somebody to do this. If […]
Queen Of A Lesser Kingdom
New Lady at Toastmasters A new woman came to my Toastmasters recently. She’s a very interesting combination or she has a very interesting combination of both confidence and anxiety. When she talks about normal things she’s very very confident, in fact she’s the most confident person I’ve seen in a very very long time. […]
Modern Human Sacrifices
Downtown Psychic Shop There’s this very interesting psychic shop downtown. It’s not a stereoypical psychic shop. When I think of a stereotypical psychic shop, I think of something with maybe a hand on the front with an eyeball painted in the palm. Maybe a picture of a crystal ball. Maybe some tarot cards. Maybe a […]
Never Trust Satan
Laundry Room Issue So the other day I was sitting in my local laundromat because the machines in my apartment complex were being repaired. I had just put my clothes in the dryer and I was sitting there waiting for my clothes to finish drying and I noticed there was a woman sitting next to […]
Leave The House Alone
New Neighbor A couple of weeks ago, maybe was a couple of months ago, I am having trouble remembering, I went outside and I saw a moving truck parked in front of my neighbor’s house. I went to talk to the guy who is moving in or moving out. It turned out it was […]
Master Criminal Fish Story
Old Pier There is a pier that’s very old in my neighborhood. It has a restaurant at the end but it hasn’t been open for a long time and it’s almost condemned but I still see people occasionally on the pier fishing. There’s this one old guy that I’ve seen a while fishing. I’ve […]