Wizard Of Oz One of the most interesting stories that is been around for a long time is the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz is a good story for a lot of reasons. For one it follows the heroes journey to a T. There’s been a lot of comparisons between the Wizard of […]
Eternal Battles And Your Soul
Protestant Reformation One of the biggest challenges that came to the Catholic Church came in the Middle Ages with the Protestant Reformation. This represented a huge market share challenge to the Catholic Church because up until that point the Catholic Church was the most powerful entity in Europe. They had a lot of power […]
Old Vs. New Learning Styles
Junior High School When I shifted from elementary school to junior high school it was a particularly chaotic time, maybe a little bit traumatic from an emotional standpoint. In elementary school, I could walk to school. It was about two minutes. I walked to school with my friends. I knew a bunch of people […]
Born With Knowledge
Child Prodigies The other night I watched an interesting TV show about child prodigies they had all these kids that were 5,6,4 that could do all these really interesting things. The most interesting kid was this boy who was four years old. He can name all of the presidents in order. If you gave […]
Divine Child Origins
Called Me In A Panic A friend of mine called me a couple of weeks ago and absolute panic. She told me she was pregnant. She said a whole bunch of other stuff, terrible was happening, but she couldn’t really calm herself down enough to explain exactly what was happening. So, I went over to […]
First Supernatural Kingdom
Where’d My Toastmasters Go? A couple of weeks ago I went to my local Toastmasters meeting to give a speech. I had been practicing this speech for a couple of days. I was excited to give this speech, but when I got there there was no Toastmasters group. My Toastmasters usually meets or they […]
Deferential Porn Stars
Tech Expo A few months ago I went to this very interesting Expo in Las Vegas. It was a Tech Expo. What was a particularly interesting about this particular Tech Expo is that it was right next door to a porn Expo. I didn’t know this till I got there so naturally I tried […]
Making Money Selling Coffee
Dude Out Of Place There is a coffee shop that I go to regularly, a couple of times a month. There is one person that works there that doesn’t quite fit the type of person you would expect to be working at a coffee shop. You would expect to see people that are younger, […]
Rise To The Occasion
Elementary School Nightmare When I went from elementary school to junior high school it was particularly terrifying because when I was in elementary school I had a lot of friends that I had made over the years. I was familiar with the location. but when I went to junior high school it was completely new […]
Divide And Conquer
Next Door Neighbor I have a very interesting neighbor. He is a retired Army Col. He is very intelligent, he’s very kind and he’s very very good at talking to people at their level. If there is ever any kind of economic collapse or zombie apocalypse or alien invasion I definitely want to be […]