Artificial Intelligence A Turing test is a human computer simulation named after Alan Turing, the character from the movie Imitation Game, about the British mathematician who broke the Nazi Enigma code. A turning test is when you have a computer program that simulates a human, based on the conversation. Every year they have […]
Quantum Brain Matrix
Resonators One of my favorite ideas from science is the idea or resonance. A common way to apply the resonance principle is to a wine glass. If you run your fingers along the rim, the vibrations of your finger along the rim will resonate with the natural frequency of the class. Another […]
Brainless Society
Drug Ads on TV It’s a widely accepted fact that 70% of all television advertisements are paid for by the pharmaceutical companies but what’s unclear is why these ads are so uninteresting. If you watch ads from other consumer products like fast food or shoes or Doritos or Snickers, these ads will be very […]
Human Beehive
Job Fair I went to a job fair recently in my neighborhood. I like to do this occasionally, almost as a leisure activity. When you’re walking around a job fair there is usually free parking, free admission, free and everything. Everyone is dressed up their best. In a purposely outgoing friendly mood. They all […]
Self Replicating Ideas
Donut Stories When I was in college I worked at this donut shop. I worked there for one semester. When I got jobs during college time I would quit in between semesters because we has long break. This job was one of my semester jobs. It was from 3 to 11 at night at […]
The Freeloader Problem
Two Sides Of A Deadly Coin Way back in the day, we humans lived in small tribes of a few hundred people. Life was harsh. Getting food was difficult and dangerous. Predators were everywhere, and the food tended to run away. Animals didn’t want to be killed and eaten. Hunter Gather Instincts We humans […]
Success Rate Of Zero Humans have gone through two types of societal organization. One has been stable, the other has not. In this post, we will endeavor to explain precisely why this second type of society always ends in collapse. It is far beyond the scope to come up with any large scale remedies to […]
Tragedy Of The Commons
Why Are The Freeways So Crowded? This is a simple idea from economics that has far reaching ramifications. You’ll find it among roommates, farmers and even in the ocean. It’s called the “tragedy” of the commons because that’s how it always ends. Opposite of how everybody thinks it will end. Set Up Imagine you’ve […]
Custom Universe
How To Create Your Own World With reason, the world around you is very much under your control. In this post, you will learn some very simple techniques that will allow you to create your own ideal universe. Now, it’s important to understand that this has nothing to do with metaphysical law of attraction mumbo […]
The Cialdini Trap
The Real Matrix Who is Cialdini, and why the heck is he trapping us? Cialdini did groundbreaking research and wrote a groundbreaking book (and subsequent books) outlining that things that influence us when we make decisions. Each one of these has been established through various testing and decades of marketing by advertisers. These are […]