Be Yourself A very common piece of advice when wanting to make friends or to create romantic relationships is to be yourself. From a superficial level, this seems to make logical sense. If you can be yourself, you’ll eventually meet people who like the real you. At the same time, this advice […]
Cause Effect Time Cats
Minor League Museum I went down to a local museum. It’s not a big museum, and they don’t have their own stuff. They host traveling exhibits, but not famous ones. Nothing like King Tut or the Dead Sea Scrolls. They host smaller and lesser known exhibits that travel around. Still pretty interesting. They’re not […]
Genetic Dispositions
Mail Room Hero I have a friend of mine who is a CFO of a pretty big company. He recently explained to me how he came to be the owner of the company and I told him it was a fantastic story. I told him that he should hire a ghostwriter to write a […]
Imaginary Cruise Psychic
Loud Mouth Intelligence I used to work with this guy a long time ago, back when I worked for a very very large engineering company. This guy, when you first met him, you would assume that he was this kind of an alpha bad boy type of person that wasn’t very intelligent. He was kind […]
Anti-Memory Energy
Pick Up Driver The first job I ever got in college was as a delivery driver. When I was in high school I had a job delivering pizzas so I figured this would be a familiar job. It wasn’t really delivery driver it was more of a pickup driver. I worked for this charity […]
Trade Theory
Exchange Is Everywhere A good model through which to view the human experience is that of trade. As we’ll explore in this post, trade is everywhere. Sometimes partly conscious, sometimes completely subconscious. Sometimes alone, sometimes with others. But we humans are always trading. Basic Human Description One way to describe humans as having unlimited […]
Make Sure You’re Using Consciously Chosen Filters When Seducing Women
When you see a hot girl from across the room, what goes through your mind? If you’re like most guys, you “hope” that she will “accept” you if you get up the courage to walk over and talk to her. Think about this for a minute. You’ve already “accepted” her, without even talking to her. […]
Why Men Have A Huge Seduction Advantage
Most guys (at least guys that aren’t getting laid enough) will tell you that girls have a HUGE advantage in the dating game. After all, as most girls will tell you, getting laid is pretty easy. They just need to show up, give off some signals, and wait for anybody brave enough to come and […]