Free Seminar I went to a very interesting seminar a couple of weeks ago. It was a free seminar, the kind of seminar where they advertise in the newspaper, you show up and they give you a two-hour pitch that sounds fantastic and then they try to close you at the end for some kind […]
Malthus and Overpopulation
Nature Video I started watching this interesting set of science videos. It is a set of 24 videos, 30 minutes each, and they’re all about life sciences. The one I watched I can watch them out of order. The one I watched started off talking about populations and natural equilibrium. They were talking about […]
Motivational Killer
Lifetime Killer A couple of weeks ago I saw this lifetime movie about a guy. It started off after he had killed his first wife. The movie was about how he started to get his potential second wife to fall in love with him and then as she was falling in love with him she […]
Transition Specialist
Last Patient Couple of months ago I went to see my chiropractor and had a very interesting once-in-a-lifetime experience. I went in on Tuesday or Wednesday night. I was the last customer. I noticed there was a salesperson sitting in the office. I knew he was a salesperson because he was wearing a very […]
Homeless Industrial Complex
Ex Non Girlfriend A couple of years ago there was this girl that I was really interested in. She went to my church and so I was trying to do anything I could to get together with her. She invited me to come with her one evening to help feed the homeless at a […]
Prototype Society
Book Club Recently I have been going to this book club every couple of weeks. It’s a nonfiction non-self-help book club. We read a lot of books, most of them lately have been economic books. The history of economic thought. Some history books. One of the people that come and always contributes a lot […]
Conspiracy Theory
Murder Game I’ve always liked to play card games. Especially when I was a kid I like to play card games. Most card games are based somewhat on deception and conspiring against your opponents. One of my favorite card games that I played when I was a kid was called murder. It’s not really […]
Law Of The Jungle
Two Distinct Phases When I think of my life from the time I came into existence to the time I’m having this conversation with you right now I can easily separate my life into two distinct categories before Thailand and after Thailand. When I graduated from college and had a degree in physics. I […]
The Freeloader Problem
Two Sides Of A Deadly Coin Way back in the day, we humans lived in small tribes of a few hundred people. Life was harsh. Getting food was difficult and dangerous. Predators were everywhere, and the food tended to run away. Animals didn’t want to be killed and eaten. Hunter Gather Instincts We humans […]
Brainless Human Syndrome
Why Most Of Us Can’t Think Once upon a time a very timid fellow decides to take an ocean cruise. He was very worried, as he’d never been out on the ocean. After the first couple days, he felt brave enough to venture out on the deck. But as luck would have it, as soon […]